This page is under major construction, SO PLEASE COME BACK SOON!This is Going to be my little domain, and if you care, you can come and check out if there is anything new. For now, I would just like to say hello to the priestess of the pilot goggles, Dilandau's girlfriend, Kowrou lover, and LAUREN! I wouldn't want to give away their names, because they already have ME stalking them, so why would they need another person???? BwaHahahaaa!!!Please keep your arms hands, legs, digits, um... and personal possesions inside the vehicle at all times, thank you for your time and attention.Anyway...You can call me squish, evil kid, whatever.... |
(dont worry, this crap ends soon)Here you'll learn all about me: my interests and hobbies, the people in my family, my pets, and more. i've even included my resume and a list of my favorite links to other sites.----I just hate how they do that, i am a compitent human being! (most of the time) (ya'll can call me, LIL' WASHU) I have a lab-top in my lap, and as you probably know, The Beatles wrote a song about me. (How special) I am funny (hahaa) and I am kool, but you prbably didn't know that. ok, now for some pics..... Now for the freaky picture of the month: 
I call it, "Bondage Paul"...puts some naughty pictures in your head, eh? |
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